Zain Haya t Unit 41 3D modelling A pplication of 3D 3D modelling is creating and working on graphical images that have three dimensions. 3d modelling is used for things like gaming, fashion, film, 3d printing and so on I am going to talk about the things I have listed and talk about how they are used in 3d modelling below. Gaming 3D modelling is used in a lot of video games in the modern era games such as call of duty uses 3D modelling for the characters, weapons and the environment around. The human eye sees in 3 dimensions this means that when playing a game that uses 3d modelling it catches the eye more than a 2D game would. In 3D modelling characters are more realistic then a 2D model character a 2D character would be flat and that won’t be as interesting this is why many gaming companies opt for 3D then 2D. one example where gaming uses 3D modelling is call of duty where they create the characters. Movies Movies use 3d modelling to create ...